Reviews and Feedback
'The Swan Pen' has now been reviewed on the excellent Goodwriterspens blog. You can see what Deb Gibson had to say about it by clicking here.
Swan pen enthusiast Colin Mackay has also recently reviewed the book. His review is published in the WES Journal no. 116, but you can also read it here.
Several readers have previously e-mailed Steve with initial comments, some of which are reproduced below (with the writers' permission).
The books arrived today so thank you very much for arranging such rapid transit.
A magnificent looking tome which I will enjoy reading through over the coming long weekend. Congratulations on yet another addition to the record of English pens.
DW, Australia
Just a short note to let you know that the book arrived safely this morning in fine condition. It's a superb piece of research, and beautifully should be very proud!
MZ, Hampshire
Without even reading a page, the look and feel tells me that this will be the magic I had anticipated.
MH, Devon
Well, what can I say - am sure everyone else has used up all the appropriate superlatives - this is truly your magnum opus. Congratulations - several times over - a pen book to end all pen books.
PS, Surrey
Your new book has just arrived and I am at once impressed and very pleased. A magnificent tour de force, congratulations. I have thus far only read the preface and acknowledgements and taken a brief look at some of the excellent pictures. I am looking forward to many hours of learning and hopefully will not have to bother you with questions about Mabie Todd pens again. With your other book FPFTM and Andy Russell's work on Dinkies I now have a growing library of reliable works of reference and entertainment.
BP, Birmingham
Great book, really enjoying it - you've done it Steve - Swan, Onoto and Conway Stewart - your legacy is in these 3 books!
FM, Dundee
The book arrived safely. And what a beautiful and impressive work!
ML, Sweden
I received your books today. What can I say? They are simply gorgeous (I purchased and received the Onoto book from Onoto as well). Such a vast array of knowledge, beautiful illustrations and simply an enjoyable read. I consider myself lucky to have access to all of these.
I have already found answers to some questions that I had about some pens in my humble collection. But having a general perspective and context of things is more important than answers to particular questions, and this is what I'm happy to find in your works.
PA, Russia
I just want to let you know how delighted I am with the book. It is a pleasure and a treasure. I have 11 of the pens shown on the covers! The green theme was a great choice.
CM, Yorkshire
I received the Swan book this morning and have not lifted my eyes from it since it arrived. Another wonderful addition to the library. Many thanks.
I had no idea of the enormity of Mabie Todd"s production in the UK even though one of the first fountain pens I owned was an old Swan given to me in the fiftes by my Ruislip grandfather. My meager collection of Swan England pens now looks very meager indeed. Still, that leaves a lot of scope....
I have been right through your Swan book and admired the detail you have
been able to uncover. Great photos and a really valuable historical record. Fabulous!
LO, Worcestershire
I’ve just received your wonderful book today; what a masterpiece, I shall always treasure it. In my opinion, the book truly must rate number one in the list of all time excellent volumes in this genre. It is a beautiful, superbly laid-out and definitive tome.
Thank you so much.
(The text above is a transcription of part of RP's beautifully handwritten letter to Steve. Click here to see the original)
RP, Australia
This is just to confirm that I have received the Swan Pen book well. The book looks great, so much information and an oustanding layout. I am very impressed by the continued high standard of your pen books. I will read the book with much interest!
JDM, Belgium
The book has arrived, and what a beautiful book it is! Thank you very much for posting it so quickly, I cannot wait to start reading it properly. I will also be buying your other titles as I have truly been blown away by the quality of the photographs and the rigorous research that it must have taken to produce such a gem. You certainly make a great first impression!
JM, Lancashire